“Lose 2 Inches From Your Waist, Hips or Thighs in 32 Minutes… Guaranteed!*”

What were you goals at the beginning of the year? Have you met your goals? Are you moving in the right direction? Is it hard to stay on track?
Losing “stubborn fat” is hard and as you get older — it just gets harder and harder. You might go to the gym five days a week, sweat on the treadmill for an hour, and see maybe a pound or two drop in a month. Is that really worth your time?
Or… imagine going to a medical facility, laying down, spending 35 minutes relaxing, then getting up and finding out you’ve lost two inches around your waist. Which do you prefer? What if you could keep doing that and losing more and more fat until you looked like you did years ago?
If you have any interest in this and how it works when it comes to inch loss, you should stop what you’re doing and call the office for an appointment immediately. This new treatment technology uses a special light therapy to trick your mitochondria (in your fat cells) to release their fat content.
If you eat better, drink plenty of water, stay away from sugars, and carbohydrates, this can lead to permanent fat loss without surgery. Here’s a heads up. If you have tried liposuction in the past – you know that when you “regain the weight” it goes to different places–making your body look distorted and then unfortunately, you’re back to where you started, only worse. With this technology we don’t destroy your fat cells. What we do is we simply drain the contents of the fat cells so you lose the inches and look good again.
- No Pain
- No Surgery
- No Downtime
- No Dieting
- No Exercise
(Lose 2” on Your First Visit or You Don’t Pay!)
Call: 000-000-0000
4834 Etanac Rd. Ste. 3, Phoenix, AZ 84955
*Guarantee offered to first treatment, new patients, on our full BodySculpt procedure only. If you don’t lose 2” in combined measurements, your treatment is FREE.